Month: January 2010
My Digital Past
My history of various blogs, some made possible by Internet Wayback Machine.
Around Esplanade
Spent only an hour in the late afternoon, so much fewer pictures than Haw Par Villa.
Gold-plated Leica anyone?
Fancy a gold plated Leica for your birthday?
For Leica’s 60th anniversary in China, they get a shiny new limited edition camera in GOLD. No I’m not kidding you. It’s GOLD. That’s G-O-L-D…
It’s fugly btw.. Seriously out of the world FUG. Proof:
(via Gizmodo)
Walking Haw Par Villa
Went to Haw Par Villa for the first time ever (Yes I know….) just to test out my new Panasonic LX3… Shot the whole series in Partial Auto mode, with a couple of shots in the Pinhole mode and one in B&W.
Glad to say my investment was worth it! *beaming*
Google vs China. I wonder who will come out tops in this war of freedom of speech. Or rights.. Or whatever.
Gonna be interesting.