
The Master’s Sun

My first impression of Korean dramas started with Autumn’s Fairy Tale back in 2000, which was the first show that was brought into Singapore. Now, I have never had any liking to tear jerking shows that basically have the main characters cry from episode 1 to the last episode. And the story is all love drama with terribly unfortunate characters. And this was what Autumn’s Fairy Tale & the next show brought in, Winter Sonata, was like.

It wasn’t till My Name Is Kim Sam Soon in 2005 which finally gave me a different view of Korean dramas. The show, albeit really good, was not enough to reverse the impact the earlier shows had on my aversion to Korean dramas. Until The Master’s Sun.

Imagine a horror romantic comedy with cheesy situations and corny lines. Throw in great acting, charming actors & actresses, intriguing cinematography; perfect recipe for a great prime time drama! If there’s one reason to watch this show, it’s the awesome acting by the main female lead. She’s cute, pathetic, funny all rolled into one neat little package. And she actually convinces me that she can see ghosts and there are really ‘people’ around her.

It’s only 16 episodes and will end on 2 October 2013, so go watch it online!!!



Shomuni Returns!~

They are back! I really should pay more attention to Japanese dramas. Good thing I caught this while browsing a new streaming site.


Interweb Musings 中文








Interweb Technology

I’m a registered Facebook Developer!

HAHAHA. Actually, all I wanted to do was to be able to auto publish my blog posts to Facebook, but the plugin I wanted to use requires me to create an app in Facebook. It was all surprisingly easy and I was done in a couple of minutes.

So now, this should work. 🙂



Apple releases new iPhone. Right.

Now everyone, yawn with me.

Apple’s just released their newest iPhone offering and hey! It’s nothing special! It looks the same, has the same specs and nothing groundbreaking.

Oh right, there’s now a lower cost iPhone 5C aimed for the China market.. That’s it! C for China! How original! Awwww, there’s so many colours! No more having to decide between only black and white. Now I can haz pink, yellow, blue and green!


But why does these colours look so familiar??

Oh right! Because Nokia Lumia came out with colourful phones a million years ago! And to be honest, the UI is much better too.


Where’s the innovation in Apple’s products now? Where’s the anticipation and the excitement!?


Musings Singapore

Pawnshops: Sign of the times or just bad spending habit?

Pawnshops hit paydirt as Southeast Asians sweat before pay day | Fox Business.

Sign of bad times? Maybe. I think there is a certain amount of living beyond your means and spending all you have instead of saving when times are good. Thus, when times fall bad, these people lose their ability to maintain their previous lifestyle. However, not being able to adjust immediately, the cab rides continue, the new clothes, expensive restaurants, specialty drinks instead of plain old water… Thus the spending remained high, while the income is not coming in like before.

I still believe that everyone needs to have cash savings that is 2-3 months of our monthly salary. If anything befalls us, like loss of employment etc and we lose a regular paycheck, we need to know that we can live the same way for 3 months, or stretch it out by a few more months if we watch our spending. Before we buy that expensive watch, have we stopped to think if we can afford to pay that if we lose our job tomorrow? Or when we buy that 2,000 dollar bag, do we stop to think if that cleans out our savings? Or if we whip out our credit card to pay for that manicure & pedicure package, are we spending money we don’t actually have? I ask, because folks who have things to pawn, obviously once had the ‘ability’ to purchase these items. I just question if that ability is real or an illusion.

With the credit card companies offering loans and all, or giving the consumers the ability to pay a large sum by installment (with a 5% fee), it is very easy for Singaporeans to get into the easy mentality that it is only a few hundred dollars a month, so it works out to be a small amount monthly. However, when there is no income, a few hundred dollars a month is a massive amount of money, in comparison.

Even though I’m not the most thrifty person in the world, and I do love my little indulges, I do make sure that I have a separate savings account that I transfer money to every single month as soon as my salary comes in. If I intend to travel to somewhere far, like Europe or USA, I draw up a budget, and save up for the balance. I admit, I fall off the bandwagon every now and then and spend a larger sum of money and deplete my funds a bit, but I very quickly replenish them.

I just hope that Singapore do not become like Taiwan, where a majority of the country’s citizens are drowning in debt.




I got a bit annoyed when I saw this in my inbox.

Pandora, if you’re not opening your services up to my country, don’t send me this email! boohoo
