It’s been 15 years since I’ve been in South Korea, the first, and the only time I’ve been there was during the year end school holidays in 1999. I was only 16 at that time and the whole family went on a package tour. Don’t really remember much about the trip, only that we were luckier than the other bus in that we got a better local guide who kept us entertained with random jokes and stories. The first Korean word I learnt was ‘ippoyo’, because he said that it sounds like 一包藥 (a packet of medicine).
Those who know me will know that I’m loyal to a few Jrock bands, but otherwise my celebrity flings come and go at lightening speed. And I hardly pay much attention to a celebrity when they are at their peak, and only start being interested after they’ve passed it. Thus, 9 years after their debut, I’ve recently been taken up by Super Junior, and in particular Kim Heechul. He’s pretty, handsome, funny, witty, and crazy, all rolled in one. Just the type of unorthodox celebrity I’d like. Anyway, fan-girling aside, the whole reason I brought up Super Junior (other than continuously telling the world Heechul’s my bias), is that I’m finally going to South Korea again! After 15 long years!
Flying off in a few days and really looking forward to eating the local food and visiting all the tourist spots that I missed, and the museums that I didn’t get to see. Plus, maybe do a bit of Heenim stalking.