Around Town Videos

Who gives a damn about you

I have to say, this cat’s got attitude. Like all cats do. He did not turn around until I stopped filming and walked away. ;p

Interweb Videos

Will you give me a blowjob? …Priceless


Great parody of classic Mastercard commercials.. Absolutely funny!

Audio may be NSFW. 😀

Design Interweb Videos

World’s best website


Seriously. How ingenious is this??? [via PatLaw]

Now, if only all ad agencies made such awesome stuff, then I won’t have to watch the pointless London Chocoroll commercial on TV…

Interweb Videos

What to do when you miss your flight

Learn from this woman… This is how she deals with it.. When she missed her flight to San Francisco.. *WARNING: TURN DOWN YOUR VOLUME*


Interweb Videos

Skoda Car Cake Commercial

This is awesome stuff. Did I say awesome? It’s FREAKING COOL!



It’s one cake I really don’t want to eat man! And then comes The Making Of:


Singapore Videos

MDA Top Management visions for Singapore

… in a rap video no less. Artshub we are. Gotta show it.

I watched this video with a mix of horrific fascination and utter disgust. Not that it’s much of a difference. I don’t know. On one hand, I guess we have to give some rotten brownie points to these top dogs for trying… but on the other hand, I wish they hadn’t.

Such an irony though, that we’ve just classified a video game as M18. For one lesbiany scene. And the CEO raps about media choice. Choice of whom? The MDA? That’s not really ‘for everybody’. He also talks about ‘Singapore-made content to be number one’… And may I ask, what ‘Singapore-made content’ do we actually have? Considering how our locally made TV shows are utter crap, and of even lower quality than the already low quality Taiwanese ones.

Michael Yap seems to have a vision for ‘I.Jam, I.Rock’.. Hmm.. I see a similarity to Ipods and Ishuffles and Itouch. How… creative & original. I love Singapore.

And Amy Chua says ‘We classify media to give you a choice’, which is a policy of MDA I never understood. By restricting the options available to all age-groups, how is that giving us a choice? So presumably restricting 17-year-old kids fro watching Lust, Caution (AFTER THE CUTS) is giving us a choice. Awesome logic. I totally see it their way.

Man Shu Sam wants to put ‘Singapore content, on an international stage’, please, don’t. Not until we up the quality of our content. I don’t want to go on a vacation and be embarrassed to say I’m Singaporean. Already I am a little embarrassed when I haggle and they ask “OH! Singaporean??” and give me one of those looks.

My biggest pain was this:

‘Nothing but the best service for our customers
Fees and fines, we make it all the easier
This for the industry & public licensees
You can holler at us 24/7’

They make FEES & FINES easier. Sure, of course they do. But do they make the LICENCES application easier? Getting us to PAY PAY and PAY is what they try to improve on all the time apparently. But they can wait till 4 days before a show to REJECT the license application. 4 days my dears. 4 friggin days. Pffffffft!

All in all, if you are taking the video as it is, a marketing gimmick, I guess it works. Very well indeed. It’s gotten the attention from almost the entire blogosphere, even though it’s generally negative, maybe that’s the plan? Bad attention is better than no attention at all!

It is a try.. though I wish they hadn’t tried at all.

Watch the atrocious-ness in its entirety here:

If you’d like to sing-a-long, please check out Agagooga‘s blog here. He has kindly put the lyrics up.

Edit: If the embedded youtube link doesn’t show, the MDA version is here. And the actual YT link is here

Edit2: We have made it to The Guardian’s Viral Video Chart. Here.


LMF San Miguel Commercials

These are kinda old but I still like them so they go here!

Chinese New Year:

Dump girlfriend:


Santa Claus:

