
What Big Bombs You Have

Yaay! The show has ended!! Even with the lights problems, I guess it went well. The rest of the shows were almost all perfect shows with no big problems at all. So here are my usual thank Yous!

Wow. It’s going to be really short cos there are only so few production people!!! Haha.

Joanna – Hur hur. I got very good karma one. Ha ha.

Shelia – You little abused child you. Tiger Balm really very powderful right? It’s my secret weapon leh.

Hidayah – Your crazy antics and laughter really made the production more fun to be in. I won’t forget the ‘Chi Hua Hua’ and the ‘Hu Lao Lao’..

Jed – Aiyoh. I never met anyone more lame than you man. But I am really amazed you like tofu toys. I rarely meet (ok. Make that never) a guy who collects tofu toys like crazy.

Vivianne – So the Mr Lim thing didn’t work out ah? Not noisy enough for you issit? Tell us what type you like we matchmake for you. Hahhahahaha!

Sook Fong – This time is you at the board with me ah, not hidden behind the curtains. We had leg strengthening exercises for 1.5 hours twice a day. I think I very fit now.

Nic – Free 1 whole bar of chocolate ah. Such a good deal. Though i don’t understand why you like white chocolate so much.

Hossan – This is like the 3rd time we worked together? I will miss you.. and your plunger. But I will probably miss your plunger more.

Enlai – Wah lauz. You and your diva-ish nonsense. Haha! And I would have fainted if I was the one who saw you about to shit. Anyway, “Enlai, when was the last time you had sex?”

Chermaine – I always very nice one leh. Not to you only. Haha.

Alin – “Eh Mamak” “Should I use green or red cherries for the gingerbread man’s nose?” I love your humor and neverending joy that you give to everyone around you!!!

Gene – You really love to sing. Or you sing before every show to just warm up? ^_~


Days of Our Lives

Well, technically this post has got nothing to do with that never-ending soap opera. This is more like my ranting post.

“What Big Bombs You Have” is ending soon. Tomorrow night to be exact. Well, the show is really tiring cos a lot of concentration and energy is needed for every show but to be really truthful, I enjoyed it. It’s one of those small tight team where everyone is comfortable with each other and conflict is tried to be kept at a minimum. Tried is the key. There was tension definitely & inevitably but I guess everybody kept their cool and no screaming battles ensued.

Working with Hossan, Enlai, Chermaine & Alin was amazingly great. The atmosphere was relaxed and generally happy. We cracked jokes about other people, they entertained us and really, it was fun. I can’t exactly say the same for Gene though. I mean, I try not to be biased but geez. How boring can a man get? How terribly so? He tells a joke and laughs at it himself, when nobody thinks its funny. During the talkback sessions, when he’s asked a question, he goes totally off-tangent and talks about absolutely irrelevant things. Even Sook Fong & Joel can’t stand him. And they have only seen him in action for what? Less than a week??? If everybody thinks so, it’s not my problem. Or is it?

The Esplanade lights cock-up news has traveled far. Even Zhiwei knows about it from Huiling. Gee. Their reputation as world-class theatre venue has probably dropped a couple of notches. I am going to reiterate the incident, since I never blogged about it. Anyway, on the opening afternoon, there was already a couple of lights that were out of focus, and at the wrong spot or went to blackout instead of dimming. But the worst thing was that in the evening, the board could not even work. There was officially no lights. They brought in a backup light board and still nothing. Finally, it was decided that the night show would be cancelled and this information was passed to the audience and arrangements were made for them to either watch the Adolf-Anthology double bill or to come back if we have an extra show this Sunday night. So that’s settled.

The next day, we were told that the lights were fixed and they found the problem. Apparently they stayed till 1am in the morning to fix that. Jo did a cue-to-cue and it seemed really alright. So we happily started show#2. To our horror, 3/4 into the show, the lights on the stage right half went totally off. Nothing could work. In the end, we had to survive with only half the lights. The only partially redeeming part was that the final part of the show was basically pretty much concentrated on the stage left side, which was partly lit. When the show was over, Nat practically screamed her head off at Yadi, the lighting guy. A mini-screaming battle started.

I wouldn’t say any of them was in the wrong for the battle because I understand Nat’s frustration of having the lights fail trice in a row. However, Yadi did try his best to help salvage the situation. All those over the cans heard him and Jo trying to fix the problem or at least find some ways to give more lights to the stage. Both were caught in the situation where they were so frustrated and stressed that anything could just break their patience. In the end, Shiyun came round and got the full story. Apparently, they route from the lighting board to the dimmer through this equipment, which Shiyun didn’t say, and it’s that equipment which was faulty, both during the cancelled show as well as the current show. Shiyun told them to just go directly from board to dimmer and not through that equipment, lest it faults again. Of course Nat went to apologise to Yadi and all seemed well in the end. Well, at least on the outside.

That’s the story of the faulty lights. We met Shaoann today and he was telling us how it always happens. Either it’s the power or the dimmer trip or something. We begin to wonder if Esplanade is really world-class. How world-class can we be if such things happen all the time. Not to mention the roof still leaks after so many years.

Anyway, my usual Thank you post will be coming up.. Monday I suppose…



I am so god-damned tired. I have been standing for the whole day today. Well, more or less the whole day. And the whole of Monday night.

Gosh. Esplanade is so freaking stupid. Such a humongous place and their control room is so bloody small. If I put 2 chairs, I won’t have space to move about. Plus, they don’t even have those plastic chairs. Give me those cushioned roller chairs in such small space.

Then, they have those soundproofing padding.. But the whole sound control room is open what! I mean there’s no window or door or anything… What the Fuck! Wast money only. But I have to admit la, their board damn smooth. Wah lauz.. I push the fader also shiok. Haha..

Today’s update very anyhow. So singlish. Machiam those cannot speak English Ah Huay liddat. Cannot be bothered liao la… Damn sian..

I learnt some new swear words. Hu Lao Lao & Chi Hwa Hwa… That is another longggg story…

But then again, this production.. I never regretted doing it instead of Dangerous Liaisons. Aiyo. First they pay me more. Then production everybody I know one. Cast all can be standup comedians. The only jialat part is the standing la…

I think I am going to lose some weight…….. *yawn*

Review Theatre 中文


第一次看赖声川. 严格上来说,这不算是戏, 是相声剧. 相声这百年, 甚至几千年的中国传统艺术, 在当下的社会, 几乎完全没落. 新加坡会说相声的么几个. 至从华亮过世后, 能登大雅之堂的相声演员, 也许连一只手都算得完. 在台湾至少有几个公众人物如侯委员等给他撑着, 让这门艺术不至于完全没落. 可是赖声川的这出相声剧简直是另外一种境界. 以戏剧的形式说相声, 以非传统的方式迎接传统, 以摩登的手法带起古老的文化. “表坊” 的相声剧也许就是相声这门艺术所需要的一种冲剂, 一种鼓舞, 一种升华.‘这一夜, women 说相声’ 延续了相声的特质 — 幽默的批评, 批判. 第一段, ‘骂街妇’ 天南地北骂了流行音乐的周杰伦, 何耀珊到政府各个部门独立运作, 毫无联系到社会的动乱不安. 听得观众掌声不断, 笑声不绝, 简直乐开了怀.

‘大姨妈’ 直入我们女性的心里. 以我们常用来比喻月经的代名词作为主题, 道出我们对她的感受. 来的时候不停地怨恨, 不停地烦恼. 不来的时候又紧张兮兮, 生怕自己身体出问题. 到最后永远不来又十分思念. 这是何等有趣, 无奈又可笑.

其他各个段子对于我们女性的种种课题作了十分深入的研讨; 如 ‘立可肥’ 中不停减肥带来的困扰. ‘我自己’ 中对婚姻失败的感受. ‘恋爱病’ 中对恋爱的另一种看法, 与我们息息相关, 简直就是我们的心声.

又再一次佩服赖声川的本事及方芳的才华. 赖声川的剧本永远让人回味无穷, 看过之后会细细咀嚼思考回忆个数天, 每天都有可能发现一些新的东西. 每天都有可能有另一种想法, 另一种感受.

赖声川, 请继续加油.

Review Theatre

Dangerous Liaisons

Watched Dangerous Liaisons by Toy Factory on Sat night.

What can I say. The show was, in my opinion, not very up to the standard of the original play itself. Plus, having watched the movie version by Glenn Close & John Malkovich, the theatre version is really very much too obvious and rather bland. I feel that Beatrice has put too much emphasis on the sexual part and lost the inuancies and intricacies of the plot and dialogue. Mark & Andrea, I feel, had not brought out the struggle of the characters, which made their final decisions and actions not clear on the motives. But one thing which is really captivating is the performance of Tan Kheng Hua. Although I felt that she could have done more and kept more subtlety instead of showing too much emotions in her voice and posture, overall she was much better than the other two leads.

Mota’s costume was breathtaking. I heard from Shiyun that he can make very good costume with very low budget. Which basically means mainly DIY. Imagine hand-sewing all the costumes.. My goodness. I wish I had some pictures to show but too bad I don’t.

Kudos to Boon Teck’s set too, though its not as good as Mad Phoenix, it’s better than many many many other set designers’ works.


the visit of the tai-tai

That’s the photo we took of the entire cast, with Darren, Krishen, Ashley & the kids.

I loved the show. Not the show per say, but working on the show. I love how we all had so much fun although it was probably hell backstage but so darn boring outside. Haha. I love how I met so many new people. As with a ‘tradition’ I have decided to start for myself since Sing Song, I want to say something to all these people.

Krishen – It was fun working with you again since Prelude to A Kiss. It’s a pity I am not an actor, if not I would have been able to learn more from you. ^^
Cast : All 17 of you –
Ivan – The make up was horrendous.. (up close that is) Too scary.. Haha..
Gani & Kay Siu – it was great seeing you guys again!
Benjamin (Bobby the butler.. ^^) – I enjoyed your butler dance so much! It was the highlight of every show! I remember the first time I saw you doing the dance, I almost choked.
Ben Matthews – “Isn’t it divine my chickadee..” Hehe..
Juwanda – I am so sorry I didn’t manage to get your TNP.
Ace – I love your hair. Well.. Robby’s hair rather..
En Lai – backagenic… darkogenic… faragenic… sidogenic… So much nonsense..
Fanny – Your rifle shot was nice and clear! ^^
Alicia, Gerald, Christina, Johnathon, Gordon, Tony, Chermaine – Glad to have met you guys!
Lee Lee – I depend on you liao ah.. Haha.. Whether I do Toy Factory or the I Not Stupid one ah.. Let me think about it a bit la… I Not Stupid 1 month really long leh..
Juraidah – So did Mr Matthews ask you out??
Richard – You got problem with my Tiger pen right? CAK… Wahahah
Charis – Poor thing.. Always see you get bullied by RK.. Muahah.. But Kuang Han say you are the most beautiful leh.. Haha..
Hidayah – I never knew steaming clothes was so terribly difficult sia.. >Nina, Lynn, Gen, Janice, Ying Qi, Yvette, Pauline – I had so much fun going for smoke breaks and bitching! See you guys around real soon!
Kim – Go on and hit tworks with $1500. Ask for it. You are good enough so why settle for less? I don’t think you should settle for anything less than $1000. Good luck!
Melvin – Why you so chim one ah? I got eye never see tarzan wor…
Darren – I also don’t know what I want to say to you la. Good luck for the next 3 shows ba.. Need sound op call me ah! Got comps gimmie la.. Hahahahaha… >Sandra – Again? Haha.. Yeah.. It’s VERY difficult to keep awake lo.. With the number of cues I have…. Very difficult.
VJ – Better brush up your “trying to be funny” skills ah. If not ah.. you sure always get bullied by us one lor.
Elroy – KNS.. I can’t imagine for any production I will be writing something for the security guard. Piang. You also very nonsense. And thick-skinned. Kaoz.. Suddenly come and tell me “Never see security so good-looking one hor?” Wah lauz..


Post sing-song blues

Sigh… My first post is a post on how blue I am today. Sighhh… For the past couple of days actually. I somehow just can’t get over the fact that all of a sudden, I have nothing to do at night. No productions, nothing. It’s just like a sudden empty block of the day where you have nothing to do. Rather, you have nothing planned.

But it was a fun production, Sing Song. Together with this cast and crew for 3 weeks is no joke. You build some kind of rapport, even if it’s really gonna be just for these 3 weeks and no more. I learnt a lot from them and really, I would like to thank them even though I didn’t give them any thank you gifts & they probably won’t see this. Who cares! ^^

Rydwan – My darling PM. Always so stressed and yet so corny at times. Will miss you when you leave TNS. Who will give me jobs then????? lol..
Shelia – Great job even for a first-timer. Was fun to really work with you. GEG showcase & TOB cannot count.. lol… Good luck SM-ing for M1 Theatre Connect! Jia You!
Audrey – Haha… The queen of clubbing. Ladies’ night rule! ^^
Dot – Don’t stress. Sound is the most fun thing to do! Not to mention challenging too! ^^ Hope to see more of you around!
Wan En – Enough of your lameness. Enough. I have had enough of eye-rolling in the control room. Haha… Just kidding.
Vivianne – The woman who has a sore throat but sounds like someone who doesn’t. Haha.. Vivacious lady eh? I can never ever learn sign language. I just don’t have the patience…
Eugene – Another fella who always make me roll eyes. Thanks for teaching me things even though you might not have realised you actually taught me something. Haha… You are really one of those who got me really interested in sound. ^^ The others being Yin & Baobao. Be honoured ok? lol…
Patrick – Thanks for being so patient with me, teaching me things that I don’t know. ^^ Freelancing is pretty cool eh? More money eh? lol… When are you going back to HK again? Maybe can help me buy some LMF stuff.. hehehe..
Shao Ann – I was SO afraid of you at first you know? I was scared that I wouldn’t be able to follow your instructions properly coz it IS the first time I am doing lights eh. But it wasn’t too bad eh? So I won’t end up in your black book eh? *Phew*
Kay Siu, Celine, Gani, Alin, Kumar – Thanks for entertaining us with your ridiculous antics during warm-ups. You guys have NO idea how much fun we have watching you guys! “Chan Mali Chan *Hoo Hoo* Chan Mali Chan” “Diya Isabella~~~~” “Bengali one so long, Chinese one smell like sotong~~~” “Do you know what it’s like to be balding, suntan on your scalp~~” SEAFOOD RESTAURANT STAND-BY!!!!
Nate & Sean – Thanks for putting up this wonderful show. It was really enjoyable being a part of it! ^^
Tic Tac Tone, Johnathon, Abel – Thanks for being in the show! Sorry if I hadn’t really chatted much with you guys. I didn’t even go to Boom Boom Room with you all! Are you guys beginning to think I am anti-social?? haha…